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Thursday, September 24, 2009

dodol story


arie nie dah msk raye yg kew 6...kinnda borink 2 day...

ntah nape tah..raye thiz year x besh likes d last2 year..huhu...

maybe miss my gandpha,...(already passed away last year) AL-FATIHAH

erm..but what immpressed me is my nenek.. die memg kuat semangat even she;s felt more lonely...vtout my grandpha....d prove is thiz year still ade lg dodol,..cuz slaloo my grandpha yg wat...

maybe die x nak ktrg pun sedih kott...cuz every year memg ade dodol....

yeah.semangat neneak itu harus dicontohi..cuz we mst look forward....what past is already past..
p/s i mizz my grandpha 2.3....infinity